
Selected publications:

  1. Verma A.*, Jena S.G.*, Isakov D.R., Aoki K., Toettcher J.E., Engelhardt B.E. A self-exciting point process to study multi-cellular spatial signaling patterns. PNAS 118 (32) (2021).
  2. Jena S.G., Yu C., Toettcher J.E. Dynamics and heterogeneity of Erk-induced immediate-early gene expression. bioRxiv, 2021.
  3. Keller S.H.*, Jena S.G.*, Yamazaki Y., Lim B. Regulation of spatiotemporal limits of developmental gene expression via enhancer grammar. PNAS 117 (26) 15096-15103 (2020).


  1. Jena S.G.*, Verma A.*, Engelhardt B.E. Answering open questions in biology using spatial genomics and structured methods.. BMC Bioinformatics 2024.
  2. Jena S.G.*, Goglia A.G.*, Engelhardt B.E. Towards ‘end-to-end’ analysis and understanding of biological timecourse data. Biochem J (2022) 479 (11): 1257–1263.
  3. Jena S.G., Toettcher J.E. The role of timing in biological perception and actuation. Phys. Biol. (2021)

Other publications:

  1. Payzin-Dogru D., Blair S.J*., Jena S.G.*, Wilson S.E., Kim R.T., Savage A.M., Kriukov E., Cat V., Cammarata L.V., Bothe V., Erdogan B., Hossain S., Lopez N., Losner J., Matos J.V., Min S., Dooling K.E., Freedman A.H., Groves B., Tajer B., Kalu G., Wynn E., Wong A.Y.L., Singer H., Frobisch N., Baranov P., Buenrostro J.D., Haas B.J., Chiu I.M., Sackton T.B., Whited J.L. Peripheral nervous system mediates body-wide stem cell activation for limb regeneration bioRxiv 2024.
  2. Avadhanam P.*, Jena S.G.* Restricted Positional Games. arXiv:2108.12839. 2021.
  3. Ravindran P.T., Wilson M.Z., Jena S.G., Toettcher J.E. Engineering combinatorial and dynamic decoders using synthetic immediate-early genes. Comms. Biol. 2020.
  4. Goglia A.G.*, Wilson M.Z.*, Jena S.G., Silbert J., Basta L.P., Devenport D., Toettcher J.E. A Live-Cell Screen for Altered Erk Dynamics Reveals Principles of Proliferative Control. Cell Syst. 10 (3) (2020).
  5. Golonka D., Fischbach P., Jena S.G., Kleeberg J.R.W., Essen L., Toettcher J.E., Zurbriggen M.D., Moglich A. Deconstructing and repurposing the light-regulated interplay between Arabidopsis phytochromes and interacting factors. Comms. Biol. 2 (2019).
  6. Jin L.*, Kamat N.P.*, Jena S.G., Szostak J.W. Fatty Acid/Phospholipid Blended Membranes: A Potential Intermediate State in Protocellular Evolution. Small 14.15 (2018).
  7. Jena S.G. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Effect of Cholesterol on AQP1-Mediated Water Transport. Senior Thesis, Harvard University Department of Physics. (2016).
  8. Jena S.G. (2016) A Random Graph Model of Density Thresholds in Swarming Cells. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 20(3): 413-421.
  9. Jena S.G. (2013) Involvement of potassium channel in AQP1-mediated water and gas transport in erythrocytes. J. Biol Phys Chem 13: 12-17.
  10. Jena S.G., Lee, J-S. (2010) High Cholesterol Impairs Water and Gas Transport in Red Blood Cells and is Ameliorated by the PLA2 Inhibitor ONO-RS-082. J. Biol Phys Chem 10: 127-134.

(* signifies equal contribution)